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25 Best Bathroom Plants for Low Light Conditions


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    Transform your bathroom into a peaceful sanctuary with the perfect selection of plants that thrive in low light. Not only do these natural beauties elevate the style of your space, but they also purify the air and bring life to areas without abundant sunlight. If you're looking for greenery that loves the shade as much as you love a relaxing soak, you're in the right place. Let's delve into the verdant world of the best bathroom plants for those dimly lit corners.

    Understanding Low Light Conditions in Bathrooms

    Before we introduce these botanical wonders, it's essential to understand what 'low light' truly means. A low light condition in a bathroom typically arises from small or frosted windows, shaded skylights, or just the general architecture of the room that limits direct sunlight. These are places where you could comfortably read a book without the artificial light, but they are notably dimmer than other parts of your home.

    Low light shouldn't be confused with no light – all plants need some level of light to survive. In the bathroom context, this usually translates to indirect light, such as that filtered through a shower curtain or bouncing off of tiled walls.

    Benefits of Low Light Bathroom Plants:

    1. Air Purification - Many plants can remove pollutants and toxins from the air.

    2. Aesthetics - Greenery adds texture, color, and life, enhancing the overall design of your bathroom.

    3. Wellness - Studies show that having plants around can reduce stress and improve mood.

    Choosing the Right Bathroom Plants for Your Space

    Selecting the correct plant for your bathroom requires considering the specific conditions in your space, such as humidity, temperature, and the amount of light available. You'll also want to think about the size of the plants and how much maintenance you're willing to commit to.

    • Humidity: Most bathrooms are high in humidity, especially after a hot shower. Some plants adore this tropical-like environment, while others might not.

    • Temperature: Temperature fluctuations in bathrooms are common, so hardy plants that can tolerate changes are ideal.

    • Space: Be realistic about the space you have. If you’re confined, look for compact plants or those that can be hung from the ceiling.

    Follow these considerations as we explore the most suitable plants for your low-light bathroom conditions.

    Here is the list of 25 Plants for low light bathrooms

    Plant Name Description
    Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) The spider plant is an adaptable and forgiving option, famed for its air-purifying qualities that make it an ideal bathroom companion.
    Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) With its upright, sword-like foliage, the snake plant can endure weeks of neglect and the dimmest of bathrooms while filtering the air.
    Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) Thriving in humidity, this lush fern adds a touch of the tropics and is also known for its air-purifying abilities.
    Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) Aloe loves indirect light and provides an added benefit – its gel can be used for skincare, perfect for a bathroom setting.
    Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior) This plant practically thrives on neglect, tolerating low light and temperature swings common in bathrooms.
    ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) Its waxy, dark green leaves are not only attractive but also store water, making it ideal for forgetful waterers.
    Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Its cascading vines are great for hanging baskets, bringing a lively green cascade to your bathroom decor.
    Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) Known for its ability to bloom with minimal light, the peace lily also flags you down when it’s thirsty—perfect for those who need a nudge to water their green friends.
    Philodendron (Philodendron spp.) With a variety of shapes and sizes, these easy-going plants can adjust to almost any bathroom setting.
    Calathea (Calathea spp.) Its patterned leaves make a striking statement, and it’s well-suited for the moist, warm conditions of a bathroom.
    Bromeliad (Bromeliaceae) This colorful, low-light plant adds a vibrant pop of color, with varieties that can thrive even when the sunlight is scarce.
    Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum) Delicate and charming, it loves the moisture and filtered light that most bathrooms naturally provide.
    Orchid (Orchidaceae) These exotic beauties can flourish in the gentle, diffuse lighting of a well-designed bathroom.
    Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura) Recognizable by its unique leaf patterns, the prayer plant is another low-light lover that enjoys the humidity of a bathroom.
    Umbrella Papyrus (Cyperus alternifolius) Not only does it love low light, but it also can grow in standing water, making it a unique choice for bathroom decor.
    African Violet (Saintpaulia) Small and manageable, this plant can bloom with beautiful flowers year-round, even with limited light.
    Dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia spp.) With broad, patterned leaves, it's another great plant for brightening a dim bathroom corner.
    Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum) This hardy climber thrives in low light and can be trained to grow around your bathroom fixtures.
    English Ivy (Hedera helix) Excellent for hanging baskets or high shelves, English ivy will trail down elegantly, creating a vertical garden effect.
    Aglaonema (Aglaonema spp.) Also known as Chinese Evergreen, it is one of the most durable plants you can find and it doesn't ask for much light to keep its vibrant look.
    Dracaena (Dracaena spp.) Its dramatic foliage purifies the air and can dramatically change the feel of a space, even with little light.
    Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) If you’ve got a little bit more space, this tree can add structure and height to your bathroom, all while being quite happy in the shade.
    Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans) This compact palm is ideal for tropical themes and does not require much light to maintain its graceful fronds.
    Asparagus Fern (Asparagus setaceus) Fine, feathery leaves and a tolerance for low light make this plant a great textural contrast to other bathroom greens.
    Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides) With its unique, coin-shaped leaves, it's a conversational piece that doesn’t need much light to make a statement.

    These plants are not just about aesthetics; they also contribute to a healthier and more comfortable environment. By choosing any of the above, you'll enjoy cleaner air and a more beautiful space. Just remember to ensure they all receive the right care, especially considering the specific conditions in your bathroom.

    Caring for Your Bathroom Plants

    Now that you've picked your leafy companions, let's ensure they grow healthy and strong. Bathroom plants typically need less maintenance, but understanding their needs is key to thriving in low-light conditions.

    Watering Requirements:

    Most bathroom plants on our list prefer their soil to stay somewhat moist, but there are exceptions. Orchids, for example, require a delicate balance of moisture; too much can lead to root rot, and too little can cause dehydration. Learn how to perfectly water these exquisite plants in our detailed guide on saving your dying orchid in 5 steps.

    Best Soil Mixes for Bathroom Conditions:

    Ensure your bathroom plants have well-draining soil that can hold just the right amount of moisture. Many of our selected plants will flourish with a regular houseplant potting mix, but plants like the Aloe Vera may require a bit more sand or perlite for better drainage. Discover more about choosing and preparing the best soil for indoor plants in our guide to selecting the perfect indoor plants.

    Fertilizing Your Bathroom Plants:

    While growth may be slower in low-light conditions, feeding your plants is still important. Opt for a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer and apply it sparingly during the growth seasons, typically spring and summer. Learn about plant nutrition and the benefits of coffee grounds on plant growth in our article on the benefits of coffee grounds for houseplants.

    Red Congo Philodendron - $59.00

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    Troubleshooting Common Plant Issues in Low Light

    Bathroom plants are relatively forgiving, but they aren't immune to problems. Here's how to address some of the common issues.

    Dealing with Pests and Diseases:

    Pests love the warm, humid conditions of a bathroom. Look out for signs of infestation such as discolored leaves or webbing, and act quickly. Washing your plants with a mild soap solution can help keep pests at bay. For more on pest control, check out how coffee grounds can deter pests from your houseplants.

    Signs of Insufficient Light:

    If your plants start to look leggy, stretched, or lose their vibrant color, they might be craving more light. Try moving them closer to the light source or rotating them periodically. For additional tips on managing low-light conditions, head over to our list of 10 houseplants that need low light for inspiration.

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    Decorating with Low Light Bathroom Plants

    Beyond the physical benefits, plants can dramatically transform the look of your bathroom. Here’s some inspiration for integrating these living accents into your design.

    Creative Placement Ideas:

    Make the most of your space by using shelves, windowsills, and even the ceiling. Trailing plants like the Pothos can drape beautifully from high shelves, adding a vertical element to the room. Learn more about using plants to enhance your home's aesthetic in our guide on using plants to enhance your home.

    Using Planters to Enhance Decor:

    Select planters that complement your bathroom’s style—think sleek ceramics for a modern look or woven baskets for a natural, spa-like feel. A well-chosen planter not only houses your plant but also doubles as a statement piece. Find more low maintenance decorative options in our list of low maintenance bathroom plants.

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    Taking Plant Care to the Next Level

    If you've got the basics down and are looking to raise the bar on caring for your low-light bathroom plants, here are some advanced tips to help your green companions thrive.

    Advanced Tips for Plant Growth

    • Humidity: Since bathrooms naturally provide humidity, take advantage of it. Plants like Boston Ferns revel in moist air, but if your bathroom isn't naturally humid, consider misting your plants or investing in a small humidifier.

    • Light: If the natural light in your bathroom is lacking, artificial grow lights can be a lifesaver. LED or fluorescent grow lights can provide the spectrum of light your plants need without taking up too much space or energy.

    • Pruning: Keep your plants in top shape by regularly removing any yellow, brown, or damaged leaves. For plants like the ZZ Plant, this encourages new growth and keeps the plant looking fresh.

    • Repotting: Don't forget that even low-maintenance plants will eventually outgrow their pots. Repotting gives them more space to expand and fresh soil to nourish them.

    FAQs about Bathroom Plants and Low Light

    Answering some of the most common questions can help clear up any doubts and ensure your plants get the best care.

    Q1: How often should I water my bathroom plants? A: This depends on the specific plant, but a good rule of thumb is to water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

    Q2: Can I use tap water for my plants? A: Yes, but let it sit for 24 hours before use to allow chlorine and other chemicals to evaporate, which could harm sensitive plants.

    Q3: My bathroom has no windows. Can I still grow plants there? A: Absolutely! Consider plants like the Snake Plant or Dracaena, which can survive in very low light. Supplementing with artificial lighting can also be beneficial.

    Q4: Are there any plants I should avoid putting in the bathroom? A: Avoid plants that require dry conditions or full sun.

    If you have more questions or need personalized advice for your houseplants, explore our Houseplants SOS section for guidance.


    Incorporating plants into your bathroom can transform a utilitarian space into a verdant, comforting retreat. With the right picks from our list of the 25 best bathroom plants for low light conditions, you'll not only beautify the area but also enjoy the air-purifying and stress-relieving benefits these plants offer. Remember to check out our complete articles on houseplants for more in-depth care guides and tips.

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